
If you’re interested in working with me then please email:

Brand Contact/Sponsorship

A few important notes for how I work with sponsors:
  • I don't do reviews without using the product first
  • I don't promote kickstarters or crowdfunding campaigns of any kind
  • I don't do affiliate-style sponsorships or those that are pay per click, pay per lead or are a percentage of generated sales.

Product Review Request

I will only ever review relevant products that have the potential to benefit my audience or followers. Brands with poor customer service and build quality will not be considered.


  • To hire me as a freelancer please use client work in the email subject. Or hire me directly through Upwork
  • To collaborate on a piece of content, please outline the concept clearly.
  • If you would like to embed my videos on your website you have my permission. If you'd like to use a video, or any part of a video, in a different way then I'd ask you to get in touch